06/2018 |
Version 5.12 of rk*_servers
The Version V5.12 of the rk*_servers for Intel/AMD 64 bit and Raspberry PI are ready for shipping
- nearly nothing :
On Linux Versions a lot of changes on network devices have been made.
This also nessitates changes for it's recognition, used for single licences.
32 bit versions of the servers only will be provided on request.
Actually, they are no more requested by clients. Feel free to contact us.
05/2018 |
convert_lib gets massive enhancements
The new version 2.7 of convert_lib is ready for shipping
New features:
the convert_lib has been improved because of the new data types of the 1200 and 1500 CPUs.
Adjustments were made to stay compatible between systems with 32 bit ( Intel/AMD/Raspberry)
and 64 bit systems.
Some functions have been added to support the handling of date and time formats on computer side.
05/2018 |
Version 5.11 of rk*_servers
The Version V5.11 of the rk*_servers is ready for shipping
- All servers :
The servers now also recognize network devices enx#...
This is necessary for single licences.
06/2016 |
pult updated
A new version of pult is available
A lot of new features.
06/2016 |
Version 5.10 of rk*_servers
The Version V5.10 of the rk*_servers is ready for shipping
- All servers : changes at rk7_client.o
If the return codes or rk_fetch_*() or rk_write_*() is not checked, different errors may be not recognized.
In practice, this only may happen if the operater can select data blocks without the limiting control of the application.
06/2016 |
rkcat updated
A new version of rkcat is available
A lot of new features.
06/2016 |
Version 5.0.9 of rk*_servers
The Version V5.0.9 of the rk*_servers is ready for shipping
New features:
- All servers : support of systemd
- All servers: systemd: service to shutdown the rk*_servers and daemons using them before the regulary
system shutdown.
- All servers: simplified handling of the communication between rk*_servers and daemon processes
- rktcp_server : on start up, nearly parallel connect to all plc systems to be accessed.
- rk511_server : NOW FREE OF CHARGE
01/2014 |
Version 5.0.8 of rk*_servers
The Version V5.0.8 of the rk*_servers is ready for shipping
New features:
- There is a Raspberry PI Version of the rk*servers (Debian wheezy-raspbian)
- There are no more Demo versions. The versions on the homepage are full versions, with limited
uptimes. Adding a licence will make a unlimited full version out of it.
- Improved error messaging on error while starting access to the shared memory.
- rk511_server : Access to CPU 928B and CPU948. Now, all S5 cpus shall be accessible.
- rktcp_server : Support for setting date and time on a S7-CPU, if it is impossible t use a
NTP server.
06/2013 |
rk*_server family goes Raspberry Pi
The Version V5.0.8 (in preparation) of the rk*_server family meanwhile was ported to the Raspberry Pi.
Only the different interpretation of the type "char" (ARM : unsigned char, Intel: signed char)
has required an adjustment.
The Pi, together with a rk511_server already is in a productive charge:
In a well known automotive company, it is logging a S5-155U, for helping to find a sporadic error.
10/2012 |
Verification: rktcp_server also links to S7-1200
Thankfully, a client reported, that he successfully linked to a S7-1200.
According to the S7-1200 manuals it should work but we do not work.
Until now, we did not verificate this because we do not use S7-1200 systems.
The actual manual contains an configuration example.
07/2012 |
New Version 5.0.7 for rk*_servers:
This versio solves problems on using the option RESTRICTED_ACCESS. If RESTRICTED_ACCESS was used, the rktcp_server
could not access datablocks with block numbers bigger than 2000. This has been corrected.
The new servers are ready for shipping.
03/2011 |
Trouble with dbedit
Because of changes of the actual ncurses library, "dbedit" does not run correct
on new distributions. The servers are not effected.
We apologise this late discovery, but we did not have trouble
with dbedit since over 15 years.
( We like no books, printed on transparent paper and we already have
bad eyes from the ancient low contrast monitors.
That's why we have no need for transparent windows and pastel colors,
which make a good, new tft look like a 30 year old tube.
Therefore, we prefer to work with older distributions.)
The familiy number changes to 5.0.6
The new servers are ready for shipping.
11/2010 |
rk512_servers: 3964 with/without BCC configurable.
Based on an clients's request, the rk512_server was modified, to support also an underlaying
protocol 3964 without BCC.
Therefore the family number changes to 5.0.5
The new servers are ready for shipping.
06/2010 |
New Version 5.0.4 for rk*_servers:
The rktcp_server of the last version could not access datablocks with block numbers
bigger than 2000. This has been corrected.
The new servers are ready for shipping.
06/2009 |
New Version 5.0.3 for rk*_servers:
The simulation server rk512_sim now is named rkx_sim.
It supports the complete amount of DBs which can be accessed by rktcp_server.
The amount of DBs is configurable. Also DX are supported.
The new servers are ready for shipping.
05/2009 |
NEW: rk3964_server version 1.0.1 ready for shipping
On client's request, a new server version, supporting the communications procedure 3964(R)
has been developed.
The new server is ready for shipping.
04/2009 |
New server versions V5 ready for shipping
The new server versions V5 are ready for shipping.
New functionalities:
rktcp_server was enhanced to support the S7 commmunications protocol.
rktcp_server now is able to access the complete DB data space.
A new Simatic S7 orientated API:
The new functions are byte orientated, less parameters, less functions, same functionality.
Of course, the old API also remains for backward compatibility.
01/2009 |
New Distributor
Emig Software and Heisch Automation have reorganized their cooperation
The developer of the standard software, Heisch Automation, will now also
process service and distribution.
Emig Software intensifies it's activities on application development
for rk*-server applications as well as the concentation to it's basic business,
the driver development.
Of course, Emig Software continues it's assistence for special demands.
04/2008 |
Updated documentation We have generated new versions of pdf-files, meanly in order that the most recent version 8.1.2 of acrobat reader can display them correctly.
06/2007 |
Teleperm M Connecting Teleperm-M to Linux is required rather seldom. Nevertheless we want to point out that this is possible with rk512_server. For more information please contact Mr. Emig directly.
10/2006 |
rktcp_server bug notification (affects DEMO version only) While starting up the demo version of rktcp_server it is possible that some connections can't be established. It looks like rtcp_server hangs, although it's only waiting for timeouts. Pressing ^C in this situation leads to the fact that a restart of the server is not possible. Workaround: Do not press ^C in this situation. If you already did: Delete the shared memory (ref. to the manual of the server) We will fix this in the next edition.
10/2005 |
Heisch Automatisierungstechnik
S5 - S7 floating point conversion for Simatic S7 please refer to S7 Software
09/2005 |
Windows software : Project development support for ProTool/Pro Evaluate the recent version 2.0 now!
08/2005 |
S5-LAN at rktcp_server works During the upgrade of existing S5 units we were using S5-LAN devices from Process-Informatik for the first time. S5-LAN devices connect S5 plcs with the ethernet; they therefore provide a cheap way of networking. In this project, rktcp_server connects to 8 Simatic plcs ( up to 15 are possible at the moment).
08-09/2004 |
RFC1006 available The most recent Version 4.x of rktcp_server supports data exchange via ISO on TCP (RFC1006) and therefore can communicate with nearly all Simatic Ethernet CP, especially 6GK7 443-1EX02, which is still used in many S7 installations. |
07/2004 |
rk_server for HP-UX rktcp_server works since July under HP-UX 11.0 and causes no problems. Please ask for Versions for other UNIX-Systems. |
05/2004 |
CP 443-1EX11: Firmware Update works not correctly Since a few days, Siemens provides a firmware update V 2.5 for CP 443-1EX11. Unfortunately this update has a bug: if data is requested that exceeds the size of data block, CP with this update does not indicate an error. In this case, rktcp_server will detect a timeout condition, and reinitiate the connection. This procedure affects all other current transfers to the PLC; it slows them down. Note: this only occurs if you retreive invalid data; under normal conditions all works properly.
05/2004 |
SuSE 9.1 + UTF-8 Encoding !!!!!!
Warning ! UTF-8 based Linux systems worry long time approved software products. Some characters ( eg German Umlaute ) now are displayed in a funny way or not at all. rk*_server is not affected, but clients like dbedit are
We provide a new software release just for this reason.
01/2004 |
rkcat is a software tool to retreive data from Simatic for those of you who do not want to program at all. rkcat product page
10/2003 |
SuSE Linux 9.0
rk*_server for SuSE 9.0 available now. Visit download area now.
06/2003 |
Heisch Automatisierungstechnik
SOMMERZEIT (summertime) for Simatic S7 please refer to S7 Software
08/2002 |
Heisch Automatisierungstechnik
FIFO management for Simatic S7 please refer to S7 Software
05/2002 |
JAVA Interface
For people who use JAVA, Gerd Limbeck provides an Interface to rk*_server. Refer to www.rkjava.de for more information.
04/2002 |
Hinweis zu
SuSE 8.0
You will need the most recent version of rk*_server in order to test them. Get it from the Downloadpage
03/2002 |
Announcement rk*_server for HP-UX under developement.
At the moment, we port the rk*_servers to HP-UX. The supported OS versions an the supported maschines will depend on the demand. The port results from a customers request. As a part of a big automation project, a class J server, running HP-UX 11.0 will be linked to different plcs Simatic S5 and Simatic S7. Several rk512_server will run, also a tcp_server will be linked to different plcs.
03/2002 |
New versions 3.1 of rk*_servers available.
The communications servers rk511_server, rk512_server and rktcp_server are available in the new version 3.1 new features: - - Simulation server rk512_sim
The simulation server rk512_sim enables testing programs whithout a linked plc. rk512_sim simulates the link to a Simatic plc. Internally it simulates data blocks 0.. 255 with DW 0..255 ( DBB 0 ..DBB 511) with which application programs can be tested. The current version does not support error simulations, further releases will do. rk512_sim will be free. - - bugfix of the poll function in rktcp_server
The new versions are in our downoad area.
02/2002 |
Windows software : project development support for ProTool/Pro
12/2001 |
10/2001 |
Simatic Software coming soon !
08/2001 |
Simatic Convert Lib V1.1
C library to convert S5/S7 data (KT, KZ, KF,... and FLOAT!) into ANSI representation and vice versa is available.
We deliver this library as source. Product Information:
What's about Simatic Convert Lib
Ordering Information: Simatic Convert Lib V1.1
06/2001 |
S7-Access using ACCON RK512 Adaptor.
Our standard software rk512_server is now available as version 2.10. It supports access to all S7-300 and S7-400 systems using the ACCON RK512 adaptor.