LINUX-SIMATIC communication software (rktcp_server, rk512_server, rk511_server). For Linux we offer software in client-/server-architecture. - rktcp_server connects to Simatic-S5 and S7 via TCP/IP.
- rk512_server allows access to all Simatic-S5 und S7 systems that can exchange data with a serial port and the RK512 protocol.
The most recent release now supports the ACCON RK512 adaptor for S7, which adapts their CPU's MPI connector. - rk511_server allows access to all Simatic-S5 systems using their progamming device interface
These products are available as professional- and as premium-edition. In our DOWNLOAD section you can find DEMO-Version of the servers as well as client applications for free
Convert_Lib C library to convert Simatic S5/S7 data (KT, KZ, KF,... and FLOAT!) into ANSI representation and vice versa.